
User Guide

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Start
  3. Features
    3.1. Viewing help : help
    3.2. Adding a new task : todo, event, deadline
    3.3. Listing all tasks : list
    3.4. Marking a task as done : done
    3.5. Deleting a task : delete
    3.6. Searching for a task by keyword : find
    3.7. Archive commands

    3.8. Exiting the program : bye

1. Introduction

Duke is a Personal Assistant Chatbot that helps users to keep track of various tasks.

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest duke-0.2.jar here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Duke.
  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.
    Image of Duke GUI

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter or click the send button to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will display the list of commands available.
  6. Some example commands you can try:
    • list : lists all tasks
    • event david's birthday party /at 13/02/2019 1800 : adds an event task named david's birthday party to list of tasks.
    • delete 3 : deletes the 3rd task shown in the current list of tasks.
    • bye : exits the app.
  7. Refer to Section 3, “Features” for details of each command.

3. Features

3.1 Viewing help

Displays a full list of Duke commands and descriptions of what they do.

Format: help

3.2 Adding a new task

Creates a new task and adds it to the current list of tasks.

There are 3 types of tasks: todo, event, deadline.
event and deadline tasks require a 24 hour format date and time attached while todo tasks do not.

todo [description]
event [description] /at [dd/mm/yyy hh:mm]
deadline [description] /by [dd/mm/yyy hh:mm]


3.3 Listing all tasks

Displays the current list of tasks.

Format: list

3.4 Marking a task as done

Marks a specified task in the list of tasks as done.
Task to be marked done is indicated by its index number in the current list of tasks.

Format: done [task's list index number]


3.5 Deleting a task

Deletes a specified task in the list of tasks.
Task to be deleted is indicated by its index number in the current list of tasks.

Format: delete [task's list index number]


3.6 Searching for a task by keyword

Finds and displays tasks whose description contains the given keyword.

Format: find [keyword]


3.7 Archive commands

Tasks are able to be removed from the current list of tasks and stored into an archive.
The archive extension has various features that can be used with the following commands.

All archive commands are preceded with the archive command word.

3.7.1 Creating an archive

Creates a new empty archive.

Format: archive create [archive name]


3.7.2 Adding a task to an archive

Removes the specified task from the current list of tasks and adds it to the specified archive.
The task to be archived is indicated by its index number in the current list of tasks and the archive to add the task to is indicated by the archive’s name.

Format: archive add [task's list index number] [archive name]


3.7.3 Listing archive names

Displays a list of existing archives’ names.

Format: archive list

3.7.4 Listing tasks in a particular archive

Displays the list of tasks in a specified archive.

Format: archive view [archive name]


3.7.5 Listing tasks in all archives

Displays all archived tasks at once, grouped by archive.

Format: archive viewall

3.7.6 Deleting a task in an archive

Deletes the specified task in the specified archive.

the archive to delete the task from is indicated by the archive’s name. The task to be deleted is indicated by its index number in the archive’s list of tasks.

Format: archive delete [task's archive list index number] [archive name]


3.7.7 Deleting an entire archive

Deletes the specified archive, including all the tasks in it.

Format: archive deleteall [archive name]


3.7.8 Unarchive a task

Removes the specified task from the specified archive and add it to the current list of tasks.

Format: archive revert [task's archive list index number] [archive name]


3.8 Exiting the program

Displays the exit message and closes the program.

Format: bye